
<林肯> 與 梁家傑


Year 1 的時候好欣賞梁家傑,曾經聽過佢的講座、同佢食過晚飯、做 1-day shadowing.

Shadowing 當日我地講到公民黨同社民連的合作的時候,佢講左以上的說話。雖然當時深受感動,好快,我就有一種無力感。


<林肯> 好多的對白令我諗起梁家傑。其中兩句係咁樣的:

"Of course I don't, never have, I'm glad to see any man free, and if calling a man property, or war contraband, does the trick... Why I caught at the opportunity."

"The greatest measure of the Nineteenth Century. Passed by corruption, aided and abetted by the purest man in America."

如果有幸在太子大廈遇到你,我地到 IFC 去睇一齣戲,好嗎?